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Kanji | Romaji | Translations

You must pray, then, this way.
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

Let your kingdom come.
Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

Give us today our bread for this Day.


And forgive us our Debts, as we also have forgiven our Debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation,
but Deliver us from the wicked one.

描いた心映す私の肖像画が塗り潰されてゆく… 黒く
Distort my face

Pray to God

イカレタ闇が悪徳求め 鼻孔と鼓膜の中まで
犯されてゆく 視界と理性… 見果てぬ夢と知りながら…

Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, praying
God the Father through him.

You must pray, then, this way.
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

Let your kingdom come.
Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

Give us today our bread for this Day.

yamiiro shita kowaku de tsumi na biroudo no nami ni oboreteita akumu

And forgive us our Debts, as we also have forgiven our Debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation,
but Deliver us from the wicked one.

odayakana hizashi wo saegiru kogoeru horobi no kaaten
egaita kokoro utsusu watashi no kao ga nuritsubusarete yuku... kuroku
Distort my face

Pray to God

ikareta yami ga akutoku motome bikou to komaku no naka made
okasarete yuku shikai to risei... mihatenu yume to shiri nagara...

Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, praying
God the Father through him.


You must pray, then, this way.
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

Let your kingdom come.
Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

Give us today our bread for this Day.

The nightmare that drowned in the wave of velvet, in crime and darkness

And forgive us our Debts, as we also have forgiven our Debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation,
but Deliver us from the wicked one.

The frozen curtain of extinction, blocking the quiet sunlight
My face, reflecting my heart, is slowly painted over... into black
Distort my face

Pray to God
Eccentric dark seeks out corruption... I breathe it in, I hear it
View and reason, sinned against... though I know this dream will never be fulfilled

Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
praying God the Father through him. [Amen]

 French version

Vous devez prier, alors, cette voie.
Notre Père dans le ciel, laissez votre nom être sanctifié.

Laissez votre royaume venir.
Laissez votre volonté avoir lieu, aussi bien dans le ciel, que sur la terre.
Donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain pendant ce Jour.
Le cauchemar qui s'est noyé dans la vague de velours, dans le crime et l'obscurité

Et pardonnez-nous nos Dettes, comme nous avons aussi pardonné nos Débiteurs.
Et ne nous amenez pas dans la tentation,
Mais Délivrez-nous du mauvais.

Le rideau gelé d'extinction, bloquant la lumière du soleil calme
Mon visage, reflétant mon cœur, est lentement peint sur ... dans noir
Déformez mon visage

Priez à Dieu
L'excentrique sombre recherche la corruption ... je le respire, je l'entends
La vue et la raison, ont péché contre ... quoique je sache que ce rêve ne sera jamais accompli

Tout au nom de Seigneur Jésus,
Priant Dieu, le Père par l’intermédiaire de lui. [Amen]

 Italian version

Devi pregare, quindi, in questo modo.
Padre nostro, che sei nei cieli, sia santificato il tuo nome.

Venga il tuo regno.
Sia fatta la tua volontà come in cielo così in terra.

Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano.

L'incubo annegato nell'onda di velluto, nel crimine e nell'oscurità

E rimetti a noi i nostri debiti, come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori.
E non ci indurre in tentazione,
Ma liberaci dal male.

La tenda gelida dell'estinzione che blocca la cheta luce del sole
La mia faccia, riflettendo il mio cuore, è lentamente ridipinta... di nero
Deforma il mio viso

Prega Dio
Il buio eccentrico cerca la corruzione... la inspiro, la sento
Vista e ragione, ho peccato contro... sebbene sappia che questo sogno non sarà mai realizzato

Tutto nel nome di Gesù,
Pregando Dio il Padre attraverso lui. [Amen]

 Russian version

Вы должны молиться, тогда этот путь
Нашего Отца на небесах, позволит стать нам святыми
Позвольте нашему королевству воссоединиться
Найдите место своему желанию, как на земле, так и на небесах
Хлеб наш насущный дай нам сегодня

Кошмар, исчезнувший в волне повседневности, закончится в пугающей темноте
И не введи нас в искушение
И да избави нас от лукавого
Исчезает ледяной занавес, закрывающий солнечный свет

Моё лицо отражает мою душу… медленно окрашивающуюся в чёрный
Искази моё лицо
Молись Богу
Умирающая тьма становится аморальна Ноздря и барабанная перепонка все еще внутри
Преступления совершаются в поле зрения и чувств… несбывшаяся мечта и пришедшее понимание

Все от имени Иисуса Христа, молите
Отца – Бога через него
(credit: Alex&Nuriel)

Please, respect the credits / credit GDW !

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